
This sample website is brought to you by Data Mountains Inc., the owners of NJBeach.info, and Hexwave, Inc., a website design firm based in Northern New Jersey. This design is available in 1, 3 and 6 page versions. This example is a 3 page version. Please browse through the supplied links to read the site specifications, and how to contact us for more details.

About Website Design...

A well designed website can help any business make an all-important great first impression...keep in mind that your virtual store-front is just as important as the appearance of your actual place of business. With this idea in mind, we offer to you the ability to purchase this website design and tailor it to best present your business. By supplying your photographs and content, you control the site's content, and keep your design costs to a minimum.

A website is only useful to a business if it is easily found. Maximize your exposure by advertising your business and its website in a prominent location within www.njbeach.info. Please contact us for more details.

Your company's copyright information goes here